
Configure Appointment Details
Contact us online, If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online.

Appointment System

All GP appointments are now booked via our online booking link,

The link is available between 08:00 and 17:00 and can be used to book on the day or routine appointments. All requests are assessed and booked in the appropriate slot due to clinical urgency. You will then be messaged or called with an appointment time or an alternative treatment. Although the system advises request will be dealt with in 48 hours, we do endevour to complete these on the same day. 

To book blood tests and nursing appointments these must be requested by calling the reception team or by coming to the reception desk, these will not be completed via the above online link. 

There is also an option to use the link for an admin query, this will be to request a private referral, requesting a Fit note or blood results. Please note this cannot be used to order repeat medication. 

A member of our PPG has created a very useful guide to how to use the new booking system, click here for more infomation

** If you are unable to complete the form please contact reception and they will be happy to complete it for you over the phone**


GP Telephone Assessment

GP telephone assessment is a national system that has been developed and tested by the NHS Institute. The evidence shows that of all the requests for appointments, only approximately one third actually need to see a GP, one third needed to be seen by another member of the primary healthcare team and one third do not need to see anyone – the issue can be dealt with over the telephone.

This system will enable us to run more efficiently, better manage the demand for appointments and will ensure that those who need to see a GP should find it easier to be seen. The system should run more effectively for patients and the practice ensuring that the best service is accessed for each patient dependent on clinical need and assessment.

Since all appointment requests will initially be assessed by a GP, the GP can make a clinical assessment as to how quickly a patient needs to be seen and can book the appropriate appointment. For most patients this will continue to be on the same day but for a few patients this may mean a few days in advance. This may be particularly useful for patients who work. 

We have built into the surgery session a number of telephone assessment slots throughout the day. Patients will be able to request a specific GP to call them back if the GP has availability. Our aim is that this will happen whenever possible but we cannot guarantee this since it will depend also on the individual GP workload. It is helpful if you don’t mind which GP calls you; in this case one of the GPs working that day will call you – they will all have access to your complete medical record.


Usual Working Days for Doctors/ANPs







Dr Mark Howcutt



Dr Nicola Wells



Dr Kaiser Munir


Dr Karen West


Dr Briony Rixon




Amanda Munn - ANP





Cancellations & Reminders

Home Visits

A home visit by a doctor or a specialist paramedic is available for patients who need to be seen and are too ill to attend the surgery in person.  A visit can be requested by telephoning the surgery before 10:00am.

A doctor will always ring first to assess the suitability of the request.  As facilities at the surgery for examination and treatment are so much more comprehensive, it is in your best interest to attend for an appointment rather than requesting a home visit. A doctor can also see four to six patients in the surgery in the same time required for a visit. 

Home visits are usually undertaken by our attached specialist paramedic.

Cancel an Appointment

It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.


Text Reminder Service

We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.

To have this service you will need to register by giving written consent to reception.

Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.

Late for your Appointment

Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late you may not be seen. 


If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and they will arrange this for you.

We are fortunate to have Dr Kaiser Munir who is fluent in British Sign Language.

Private Medical Examinations

Medical examinations for special purposes such as pre-employment, fitness to travel, elderly drivers, fitness to undertake sports etc., will require longer than a routine appointment.

These examinations do not form part of NHS Services, you will be charged for any such examination. Please check the fee chargeable page here before arranging any such examination. Please inform the receptionist when arranging such appointments.


Insurance reports/medical forms are non-NHS work and therefore will attract a charge, this may take up to 4 weeks to be completed.