Patient Participation Group

About the Patient Group

Who can join? - Every patient registered at the practice and their carers

How do I join? - In a minute online at  or complete an application form at reception

Why should I join? 

  • To receive regular Practice News, Health Information, Dates of Events and Patient Group Meetings   

  • To offer feedback on the GP services you receive and suggest ways in which they may be improved

  • To be able to attend regular patient group meetngs

  • To Volunteer time to help the practice in a variety of ways to improve the Patient Experience

What will it cost me? - Nothing! Perhaps a little of your time if you wish to contribute

Chair - Barry Lynch  email - 
Vice Chair - Brian Rogers  email -


Next PPG meeting

The date of the Next Patient Group members meeting will be 15th Jan 2025

See the Minutes of the meeting on 18-09-2024 - Click Here

PPG Helpdesk for Medical Centre IT Systems

We are very conscious of the NHS requiring patients increasingly to use Online Systems and appreciate that this will make communication with the NHS more challenging for many patients

We are, therefore, operating a Helpdesk for Haddenham Medical Centre patients who are using any of the following systems:

Accurx – Patient online form contact system for requesting help with a medical issue e.g. requesting appointment
NHS APP – Normally used by patients to order repeat prescriptions and for seeing test results
Patient Access  - Normally used by patients to order repeat prescriptions and for seeing test results

Please note that Accurx is the new system that can be reached from the Medical Centre website under the heading Appointment Booking Link.

We have set up an online request form for you to tell us about any problems or questions that you may have about the 3 systems.

Just click on this link complete the details and one of our “computer savvy” members will respond to you.

You can also contact our Helpdesk coordinator Brian Rogers at

Presentation of Blood Pressure Monitors by PPG

The Haddenham Patient Group made a presentation at the Medical Centre on 13th Aug of 9 Blood Pressure Monitors for temporary loan to patients to help with diagnosis. Brian Rogers (Vice Chair of the Patient group) is presenting them to Tracey Badrick (Pharmacy Technician) and Ciar Munn (Practice Manager).

a photo of the practice manager and pharmacy technician tracey accepting blood pressure monitors from the ppg

User Guide for New Contact/Appointment System at HMC

The PPG's Brian Rogers has created an extremely useful guide for using the new system for contacting the Medical Centre which was introduced recently.

Please Note:

  • If you need urgent attention you should still telephone the Medical Centre
  • You can no longer make appointments via Patient Access or NHS App

See the Guide - Click Here

The Fish Scheme

The Haddenham Fish Scheme has been running in Haddenham, Buckinghamshire for over 50 years. It is a charity which provides transport for Haddenham residents in need.

It is run by a team of volunteers who take people to appointments at the Medical Centre, hospital, dentist, optician and other medical appointments plus to the hairdressers and local shopping. The scheme carries out in excess of 1,000 lifts each year - an invaluable and much appreciated service for Haddenham.

For more information go to website 

Haddenham Community Vehicle

The Haddenham Community Vehicle provides a friendly door to door service for those with mobility issues, wheelchair users, carers and the person they care for, those not able to drive and those who are socially isolated. It can be used for medical appointments, shopping and social events.

Click on the Flyer below for map of area covered and contact details

HCV Flyer v8.pdf

Recycle your old Specs

Do you know that You can bring your old Specs to the Medical Centre for recycling in the Lions Club Recycling Unit?

Archive of past Patient Group Meetings

Minutes from 2012 to 2024

Lindengate Wellbeing and Nature Course

Lindengate are a charity who promote wellbeing through courses held at the Lindengate Gardens and Nature Reserve at Wendover. To see details of their courses click on link below
